

Minnie Paroubek

My photo of Minnie before they took her from me. COVID, I could not even be in there with her. The last photo I took of my precious girl. A big girl, 225 pounds, but she was down to 199…

Kona Marie Wray

Cancer may have taken her leg, but it did not take her spirit! She still enjoys walks and often has a trail of kids following behind her. Even with only 3 legs she continues to bring smiles everywhere she goes.

Jackie Green

Jackie has survived 2 kinds of cancer, occurring back -to-back. At over 12 years of age, she epitomizes quiet strength and shows her family every day what unconditional love really means.

Birke- Beiner Peterson

Birke is a very popular guy in our community! Has never met a stranger. He is currently in remission at the age of 14. A Superhero in our family definitely!